Friday, 8 November 2013

Interpersonal Relationships

We are created for relationships. One of the keys to effective discipleship is to be able to relate with others in peace, unity and harmony in pursuit of common goals. Rom. 12:16.

Interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people established in the context of social, cultural, and faith – based influences; and are usually regulated by mutual agreement.

In relationships, we tend to influence each other, share thoughts, and engage in activities together. This interdependence generates impact on the lives of people.

Interpersonal relationships are dynamic in nature and they tend to grow and improve gradually, as people get to know each other and become closer emotionally, or they gradually deteriorate as people drift apart, or move on with their lives and form new relationships with others.

Healthy relationships are characterized by intimacy, growth, and resilience. This usually follows recognized developmental stages as reflected here after.

Developmental Stages of Relationships

Studies have revealed five (5) stages of development in most relationships. The sustainability of any phase is dependent on the commitment of the parties; and their willingness to make things work.

Acquaintance:- Is usually initiated by a variety of factors which may include but not limited to physical proximity; first impression, and previous relationships. Continued interaction may lead to the next stage, but acquaintance can continue indefinitely.

Build up:- The backbone for build up is trust and care. These two filtering agents fan intimacy, and it’s further enhanced when common goals and aspirations hold promises of fulfilment.

Continuation:-  This stage is fortified by a mutual commitment to a long term friendship and identification, which usually manifest in a desire to be together more frequently.

 Deterioration:- Not all relationships deteriorate, but those that do, tend to show early signs of loss of trust, less communications, and even resentment. This is further noticeable by a gradual drifting apart of the parties.

Termination:- The final stage marks the end of the relationship. This can be avoided, and should be, where practicable. Next : Keys to improving interpersonal relationship skills